
So yesterday was a weird one from start to finish … I want to thank all of you who posted encouraging words about yesterday. I took comfort from your comments and I appreciate it. **Ivy – you didn’t leave your e-mail address so I can’t e-mail you but my e-mail is

Gerry and I woke up feeling hung over from all the amazing food we’ve been eating all week. The thought of eating more food for breakfast made us queasy so we headed to Liquiteria for breakfast.
It’s so pretty and fresh inside…
Our drinks were yum!
On the way to The Moma we saw Ghost Bag. I love ghost bag…
This painting used to hang in my bedroom when I was a little kid. My parents would take me to the library where you could rent reproduction paintings for the week (have I blogged about this before?) and this one was a favourite. Gerry says it scares the crap out of him as an adult and there is no way he would put this in a child’s bedroom. *laugh* But Gerry is scared of spiders … so… 🙂
I kept having to remind myself that these paintings are the real deal. Klimt paintings you see all the time on shirts, bags, coffee cups and posters so to see it in person took me a few minutes to remember that I was looking at actual brush strokes and not a large print.
I’m pretty sure I posted this last time were were here but the sheer magnitude of this Monet painting gave me shivers. It’s a show stopper!
Then the incident in the bathroom with the mother happened (see my post below) and it ruined the rest of my day. We wandered around the rest of the galleries but I felt like the light inside of me was gone. It was hard for me to enjoy all the beauty of the Van Gogh exhibition because all I could think about was that poor little boy.

We started to head home and then realized we hadn’t seen a show yet. I love theater. Any kind of theater! We lined up at the TKTS ticket center but my heart was so sad that we decided to forgo waiting in line and go back to our condo and chill.

We had a nice little nap and then headed out to Counter for dinner. It had a good review in The Vegan Guide to NY so we wandered down the street to check it out.
The food was … meh. We’ve had SO MUCH stellar food since we got here and I found this place to be a C+.

Our appetizer was vegan ravioli’s but the sauce/soup? was so oily. It tasted like hot water with a dash of pesto.
Gerry’s Lentil loaf was yum but the brussel sprouts were under cooked and incredibly oily. My dish was a Cauliflower risotto and it was pretty tasty but again very oily.
I was bummed out about the day and our meal but then the universe told me to smile through a pile of salt left on the table from our shaker. So I shook off my blues and we hit the streets to check out Lula’s Sweet Apothecary. It’s been on my NY To-Do list but we haven’t been able to get over to the shop. We were so bummed to see that it was not only closed but closed Sun-Mon-Tues so that means we won’t be able to visit because we leave Wed morning. 🙁
On the way home we went into High Vibe raw food store and picked up some Dr.Cow cheese to take home with us. It’s a great little store filled with all sorts of yummy raw treats. I wish we had a place like this back home.
Home home. Even with the love of my life Gerry beside me – I’m really missing home. I’m not looking forward to our long flight home but I am looking forward to that moist salty feeling you get from the misty sea air when you walk off the plane in Victoria. Your skin goes from feeling like a dry rough sponge to luscious and moist in a matter of seconds. I miss my dog. My bed. My kitchen. My couch. I miss my tivo. My Oprah. I miss different clothes and all my friends. I miss the Tattoo Shop and the mundane work of doing pay cheques and taking the garbage to the dump. I miss the beach and walking my dog. Oooooh I can’t wait to get home.

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2 Responses to Yesterday

  1. leigh says:

    i gotta say i went to Counter once and HATED it. I feel like it is so overpriced for the food you get. I feel like Teany is a much better restaurant. I do want to try Candle Cafe though.

  2. Melisser; the Urban Housewife says:

    Have a safe flight home!

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