We took the Tattoo Zoo crew out for dinner the other night.

Colin, Gerry, Bryan, Cody
We went to The Bengal Lounge in the Empress Hotel (oooh fancy). They have an Indian buffet and the last time Gerry and I went; there was lots of vegan choices. Unfortunately this time the only thing available for us was the salad (WTF) so we ended up ordering samosas off the menu while everyone else chowed down. It was a bummer … but whatever. I was just happy to be out with my friends…
Actually … I was just happy to go out! *laugh* Gerry and I have been real hermits lately … so going out was a real treat. I even busted out the rhinestones! 🙂
And I had my first martini! It was dirrrty and came with extra olives. YUM!

Ryan, Gerry & Nova

Becca, moi and Savvy...
In other news I had a hair appointment with Princess Leah at LAB Salon yesterday … and it’s official!!
I have made it through that awkward “grow out” phase and I now have a bob. 🙂
After my appointment with Leah I stopped by the shop for some lovin’ and the next thing I knew Gerry was drawing up a tattoo for me (one of the perks of being married to a tattoo artist).
Now I’ll never forget how many TSP are in a TBSP. 🙂
Isn’t it adorable?? 🙂
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