
What a couple of days!! Poor Gerry was down with a cold (he’s back to his old sassy self today) and while he slept in the living room trying to get better … I worked in the bedroom doing renos. I’m about 98% done with all my work and I’m SO glad it’s over because I am now suffering from renovation fatigue. I think by tomorrow night we should be back to sleeping in the bedroom.

I was looking through some old cdr’s yesterday and found some funny stuff. I feel like I may have posted some of these before so at the risk of repeating myself … here’s some of what I found:

Me + Gerry + underwater camera = FUN!!
Yes. I’m wearing lipstick. Why? Because one of the photos from this shoot was used as a chapter header for La Dolce Vegan. I don’t remember why Tanya and I were dressed as trashy waitresses but I’m sure it must have been fun. 🙂
Speaking of Tanya… I heard from a friend that someone wrote into Veg News to complain that Tanya was not mentioned in any of the awards I have won from Veg News. I guess the letter was published in the magazine. Did anyone read it? What did it say??

I have no idea what this was for … but it sure is cute. 🙂
Yup. Yup. He likes me.
Oh god. Poor sad 1985 punk Sarah. Can someone give her a hug and tell her that things will get better?
This was the car I learned how to drive in. Yes. It’s plugged in. Why? Because it’s an electric Commuta Car circa 1980. Gerry and I found it up-island in a car lot and bought it immediately. It was so much fun to drive … but sadly there wasn’t anyone in town who could help us maintain the car so after a few years we sold it.
This video makes me miss my old car…

And lastly … a video of wee fergus when he first came to live with us. Gosh he was tiny …

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0 Responses to Woof!

  1. sweetgrass says:

    Oh the cuteness..and the puppy bounce!

  2. Laurakins says:

    aww..the commuta car is so cool..looks like a piece of lego!

    Yup, I saw the letter in VegNews….p.20:

    “Whoever wrote that paragraph on Sarah Kramer’s “Comeback of the Year” award (“The Veggie Awards 2008,” Nov/Dec) should have checked her facts more closely. Sarah Kramer did not write How it All Vegan! or The Garden of Vegan all by herself. Both of these were co-authored with Tanya Barnard, and Barnard should have been given credit. -Shirley A Rubin, Cincinnati, OH

  3. Cee says:

    What a cute puppy! That video absolutely made my day. Thanks!

  4. E.K. says:

    Okay wait…you work in that Vanilla Ice photo every chance you get! Oh screw it…that’s soooo cool!

  5. Maria Rose says:

    Lovely trip down memory lane. I did read the letter about Tanya, but it just mentioned that she was unmentioned. Nothing beyond that as I recall.

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