What are you gonna do?

Well I didn’t get the job. 🙁 I had applied for a position at the SPCA to head up the organizing of the Paws For A Cause event. It was right up my alley … I’m a little bummed out but also a little relieved. It was going to be A LOT of work and maybe it’s a sign that I need to chill out this summer instead. 🙂

Speaking of chilling. I took Fergus to the beach again today – gotta do it while I can because the beach is closed to dogs for the summer starting May 1st.

When the tide is out there are these long cement storm drain pipes that come out from the sand and into the water. If you’re brave, they’re fun to walk to the end of … but kind of scary because they’re slippery and you might fall. Ooooh the danger. 🙂

Today, at the end of the pipe there was a sea otter enjoying some fish. It took every ounce of strength I had to keep Fergus from chasing after the otter. But that didn’t stop other dogs … this guy (a Large Fergus look-a-like) ran out and barked the otter into the ocean.
I don’t think I could ever live anywhere else but the Left Coast. What would I do if I didn’t have a beach to walk on?

In other news … to pinch a few more pennies I canceled our land line. 15 years with the same phone number, I feel kinda sad about it. *laugh* If you need to contact me … use my cell. 🙂

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0 Responses to What are you gonna do?

  1. E.K. says:

    Great photos! Sorry about the job.

    We canceled our land line years ago, but I think we’re going to have to get one again when we move.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sorry you didn’t get the job, but, aren’t you crazy-busy enough without another job?

    I really need to borrow someone’s dog and head to the beach…….

  3. ~ Cee ~ says:

    Sorry to hear about the job. We canceled our land line recently, and have also gone with a cheaper internet service. At some point we might switch to a service like Vonage, but we do all of our long distance calls over Skype and Google Chat right now because they’re still free.

    Good luck with everything!

  4. The Cooking Lady says:

    Look…Fergus can walk on water. Can he teach us that trick?

  5. Maria Rose says:

    The job market is crazy. I know it’s similar in Canada too. I am hiring my replacement and we got over 100 resumes! So many qualified people are getting passed over.

    However, a relaxing summer will be lovely. If you get desperate you’re welcome to visit us in WY.

  6. The Vegan Snorkeler says:

    I agree, I love regular beach walks. I’d probably go crazy if I didn’t live right by the ocean!

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