What a morning!!

Got the keys at 9am and by 11:30 we were done ripping up the carpets. Gerry and I are such a team!! We were lucky that the under stuff wasn’t really glued down.

We’re also lucky to have good friends with a dumpster!! Thanks Stu & Sherri-Lynn!Fergus found a safe spot to hide during all the renos.
I forgot to show you Gerry’s mustache. He wasn’t going to shave his beard until we got the keys to the condo… you know… like a playoff beard but it drove him crazy so he shaved it down to a mustache. I feel like I’m sleeping with a cop. *laugh*
Someone has settled into the new house quite nicely…

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0 Responses to What a morning!!

  1. Veg-a-Nut says:

    Conrats and welcome home! By the way I love the door mat you posted a couple days ago!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats, have fun with the renos!!! I think I’d probably be like Fergus and hide in the closet too. 🙂

  3. Kramers says:

    Awe… what fun!!
    We are thrilled for all three of you!!


  4. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Awesome! Can’t wait to see what you do with the place. I have zero talent for that sort of thing – renovating, redecorating, hell – decorating period.
    Simon had kennel cough once. The vet suspected he picked it up at the dog park. After we got him going on the medication, he was fine and it cleared right up. Now we get the vaccine included in his regular booster shots.

  5. leigh says:

    Congrats on the new place!

    Gerry looks like my former NYC-cop uncle…

  6. KleoPatra says:

    Go Fergus! Love him in the chair in the corner. Sweet!

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