What a fun week I’ve had…

What a fun and busy week I’ve had. On the weekend Gerry and I got all dressed up and went to our friend Leah & Adrian’s wedding.

She rocked it. I mean … come on! Gold sequin dress? That’s how you should wear a wedding dress!! It makes me want to get married again!  🙂

The next day Gerry and I found some time to put together all the Ikea bookcases for the store and Gerry came in and helped me anchor them to the wall. What a team.  🙂

I’m really pleased with how it looks … I’m able to showcase all my products in a cool interesting way. I love it. 🙂

There’s still a few things left to do at the store. I have to wallpaper/paint the change rooms but there’s no urgency there. I think I’ll take this week off and tackle it next week.

The day after we fixed up the new wall in the store – my brother and his son Eli arrived for a visit! They stayed with us for a few nights and we had a mini-family reunion. 🙂

My nephew Eli is really into magic so there was a lot of abracadabra going on… it was fun. He’s really good at it. Fergus was very taken with Eli…

Watching Eli stump Gerry with is tricks was so fun to watch!!

While my brother was here – I hauled out the family slides and we went through about 15 carousel of photos. This photo in particular I think encapsulates my relationship with my brother. Ha ha.

Damn. I wish we had re-created this photo above … Oh well … next time.

We had a great visit with Ben & Eli and the day they left – my friend Melisser (the author of The Vegan Girl’s Guide to Life) arrived in Victoria to do her chat at Sarah’s Place about Cruelty Free Cosmetics.

I set up the store to be a classroom …

The event went really well. Melisser spoke for a little over an hour about cruelty free cosmetics, what companies are testing on animals and we should avoid etc etc. You should check out her website CrueltyFreeFace.com and see the list of vegan friendly cosmetics she’s compiled.

The best part about the event is that it was a fundraiser for Hearts on Noses Pig Sanctuary. We were able to raise $87 and then I kicked in a few bucks to round it up to $100. Yay! If you’d like to help Hearts on Noses with a donation you can do so HERE.

It’s been great to have so many visitors staying at our house this summer but Gerry and I are looking forward to having a quiet week this week. We haven’t even watched the final episodes of True Blood or Breaking Bad yet! Ack! Don’t tell me anything!!

In other news – last night I had a dream that my teeth fell out. 🙁 My two front teeth slid off and underneath them were new baby teeth. I thought “oh good. At least they’ll grow back…” and as I was talking I felt something rolling around in my mouth and one of my molars had also fallen out.

I woke up and ran to the bathroom to check my teeth … it was scary.

I looked up the dream online and most websites said the dream is about vanity and/or being embarrassed and/or a fear of getting old. I don’t have any of those things. Well … except maybe the vanity. ha ha. But whatever the dream meant – it was really disturbing and I woke up exhausted.

Have you had that dream before? What the hell is it about?? 🙁

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4 Responses to What a fun week I’ve had…

  1. Joanne says:

    OMG, while cleaning my house last week I found my dream diary from 10 years ago. There were no falling tooth dreams but lots of wanting to pee dreams. Most of it was pretty hilarious. I was surprised to find that the dreams were all quite relevant to what was happening in my real life at the time.

  2. Ariane says:

    Oh lady, I’ve been getting the teeth falling out dreams since I was a kid. Have seen different interpretations from vanity to money to control issues, but not sure why I get them myself.

    So creepy though, it always feels SO REAL!

    • Sarah says:

      So real … it stuck with me all day. 🙁

      • Doni says:

        Hi Anu and Laura,I am grateful for this inoormatifn. My daughter can and will eat only this cheese. I have been having a hard time with her. However Anu if you have a dairy allergy you might want to check the ingredients of the rice cheese which has casien , a milk protein. Cannot want to see Vegan Rella again.

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