what a day…

Yesterday was crazy.
I went to work and trained a new receptionist … she was great.

Then I left her to man the front while I took the garbage to the dump. On my way back to downtown I stopped by my fav pet store to visit my friend Jodi. I ask if I can use the loo to have a quick pee and as I’m walking back out I see Jodi standing there white as a ghost with her eyes as big as saucers.

“what’s wrong?”

Jodi points to the floor and it’s covered in blood. A woman was looking at dog food cans when a bunch of them fell on her face and cut her across the bridge of her nose. AHHHHHH!! The poor woman needed to get stitches so we hustled her into the car with her family and they took her to the hospital. The pet store then became insanely busy so while Jodi rang people through I cleaned up blood. Fun…

I then came back downtown and hung out at the shop a little … one of our clients lay down on our massage table and it broke. OH NO!! So we grabbed another table from a different studio and then THAT ONE BROKE!! The dude wasn’t fat or heavy or anything… so funny. So I grabbed our last bed and luckily that one stayed intact until Jeremy was done tattooing.

So Gerry and I headed to Costco to return our broken beds. Luckily we still had our receipt and we were JUST under the due date for the 3 years warranty that came with the beds. We took back all 3 beds and then realized that they had new massage tables and they were on sale. So we ended up buy 4 new beds AND came home with some extra change in our pockets. Gotta love Costco for their fantastic return policy.

Our new beds have a lifetime warranty on them… so I hope these ones will last a little longer.

Then as we returned to our car … I saw that another Smart had parked behind us. I thought it was so cute. I had no idea it was legal to park this way… I’m gonna do it all the time now!!

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0 Responses to what a day…

  1. leigh says:

    sounds like a crazy day!

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