what a day

Such a beautiful warm day yesterday…Someone couldn’t WAIT to get outside and run around. Hardly needed a jacket it was so warm.
I love this town…
Nuttin much has been happening since I got back from Toronto. That’s not true. I lie. I’ve been cleaning like a mo-fo. Cleaned and re-organized the Bio-Hazard room at the shop. I’ve been making many trips to the dump dropping off shop garbage (how sexy) and cleaned the bathroom and organized the book shelves. Wow… what a life I lead. *laugh*

As a treat Gerry got me a gift certificate for a pedicure, so I’m off to pretend I’m a “lady who lunches” and get my feet all done up nice.

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0 Responses to what a day

  1. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    We’ve been getting great weather here too. 8C today. Woo-hoo! The robins are arriving in droves.
    What a nice hubby you have. Enjoy your day. You should post your toes apres pedicure.

  2. Kramers says:

    It does look lovely there.
    Its melting like crazy here and its we are enjoying sweater weather which is MY FAV!!

    Enjoy your day. My feet are way to ugly for a pedicure. I would feel awful ruining someones day like that:)

  3. Kramers says:

    Is your husband always smiling??
    How do you get him to do that??

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