Weekend Bliss…

Our weekend started with some green smoothies. This one had 1/2 a honey-dew, a bunch of parsley, a banana and some water … It might sound weird but it’s not. It’s all kinds of delish and I DOUBLE DUTCH DARE you to try it.  🙂

Then we headed out to Thetis Lake.

This is my favourite time of year to hike around the lake because there aren’t too many people around. It’s a great place to get physcial, give Fergus a good walk and get Gerry away from the computer for a while – as well as communing with nature – all at the same time.

Rather then do our usual route, we decided to take things up a notch so we climbed the Dr. Lewis J Clark trail (not to be confused with Lewis & Clark), which on the map looked like a bit of a challenge but we felt up to it.

And as for Fergus – he’s our little billie-goat who is always up for a hike the woods.

This trail was A LOT harder then we thought. *laugh* There was some steep climbing going on but we soldiered on and found the Lewis J Clark plaque halfway up.

and then managed to make it to the top of the hill where Gerry did a Rocky Dance.

It was tough work to get up that hill … it should be called a mountain. What’s the technical difference between a mountain and a hill anyway?

We managed to get all the way to the top where the sun dial/map thingy was (it’s not a sun dial at all. I don’t know what to call it. A marker? A thingy that points at different things to look at? Help!). Anyway, it was a great spot to stop and reflect on our hard work getting up that high.

Then we had to climb down …

I think going down was almost harder … but looking at all the beautiful Arbutus trees in the rain made up for my wobbly weak knees on the way down.

On the drive home Gerry and I reflected on how before we had Fergus in our lives … I could barely make it up a flight of stairs because of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I am so unbelievably thankful for Fergus coming into my life and helping me to become more physically active and incredibly grateful for my body now having the strength and power to hike to the top of a treacherous hill without any physical repercussions.

I will never take my body for granted. It’s amazing it’s survived what I’ve put it through and it’s still serving me well.  🙂

Although, I will admit to taking a nap when we got home…

…but look at my cuddle buddy. How can you blame me?

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0 Responses to Weekend Bliss…

  1. Maria Rose says:

    Bumblebee made Eric and I so much more active. I love it, she makes us get out each and every day! Sounds like you guys had a great one.
    PS I have no idea what makes the difference between a mountain and a hill.

  2. Kristin says:

    My story is slightly different.
    My gorgeous cat (Miss Meow Meow) has added so much joy and fun to my life. I married my wonderful husband and moved into his home with his 3 kids around 5 years ago. To say taking on a new marriage with 3 teenage step-kids is insane is an understatement! There was many a time when my bags were packed ready to move out. But a year into this adventure, I adopted a stray cat and she has been a constant source of light in my life. I look after her well (hubby says she’s spoilt – yeah, right – how can you spoil your little buddy?) but what I give her doesn’t even come close to what she’s given me.
    I believe our animal friends are furry angels – they add a whole new dimension to our lives and ask for so little in return. My kitty’s presence has added a lot more love in my life. I feel blessed to have her.

  3. Cleona says:

    Hey! You’re such an inspiration to me. We have our lovely dog Bean, who has revolutionised our lives. We go to Coole Park a lot which is here in the west of Ireland. I recently bought ‘How it all Vegan’ and it’s really given me my mojo back! thanks x

  4. Jackie says:

    What a wonderful post. I truly feel animals in our lives are such a blessing. I thought once how many suicides could have been prevented if that person had a little fur or feather baby in their lives to care for and receive that unconditional love. For some people just getting out of bed to let their dog go outside gets them motivated and ready for the day. I cant imagine my life without a little heartbeat at my feet running around making me smile and causing my heart to skip a beat. 🙂 ~ XOXO

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