Vote for me!

I’ve been nominated for a Libby award!

If you could take 2 seconds to go and vote for me for Best Vegan Meal I will bake you cookies in the nude at your house. Honestly. I will…


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0 Responses to Vote for me!

  1. Courtney says:

    Me, too!

  2. Andrew says:


    just send me some vegan cookies. all the thanks i need.

  3. Karen says:

    Just voted for you Sarah! Fingers crossed…ooooh I hope I win. Not that I want to see you nude, that would be a bit awkward (plus you might burn delicate bits…) but I do like cookies!

  4. Eric says:

    Done! So, when are you coming over? 😉

  5. Wayne says:

    I’ll have the oven on and the cookie dough ready for next time you’re in Australia!

  6. Michelle says:

    Done! But could we skip the nude part? My neighbours would have me kicked out for disturbing the peace 🙂

  7. kinziephoto says:

    absolutely! heheh

  8. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Yea Sarah! I voted for you, absolutely! I haven’t made the casserole, but if it’s up for an award maybe I just better. If you win, you won’t have to come bake cookies in the nude. Although, my husband might have some say in it. He thinks you’re cute. :o)

  9. Austin Simpson says:

    done and done! done? done.

  10. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Oh, and for vegan musician, I voted for Joan Jett. She is totally cool. If any of you out there haven’t seen her lately, check out her new video. She looks fantastic!! What a great advert for a vegan diet. Well, Joan and Sarah. :o)

  11. Tara Darlow says:

    Hey,You got my vote. I wasted so much $ on other cookbooks before discovering the ones you wrote and co-wrote and yours are the only ones I swear by. I work in a bulk store with a good amount of new veggy traffic and I let everyone know that your books are a must.
    Thanks for being there when I need help in the kitchen and home.

  12. KleoPatra says:

    Done! With pleasure. And no need to repay the “favor.” Mitzvahs come in mysterious ways, Sarah!

  13. boumette says:

    Mazel Tov!

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