Vlog 2

Website Sarah discussed in her vlog: Barnivore.com

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0 Responses to Vlog 2

  1. Fallopia Tuba says:

    Regina rhymes with vagina?

    I agree; I’m bracing myself for when Manhattan sinks, and I have no idea where I’d go, so I’ll just have to get my pets to safety and then go down with the ship.

  2. Carrie says:

    Oh Sarah! You’re the best! ♥

  3. Anastasia says:

    Oh you are too cute. I will have to say that when you cut through your answers at the end I was having flashbacks from Heroin Bob in the movie SLC Punk.

    Once again, you are the best.

  4. Holly says:

    @ Fallopia Tuba: If Manhattan sinks, go to Victoria! I can personally attest that it is the best city in the world. I haven’t visited all the cities in the world, but I don’t have to, because I’ve lived in Victoria! Oh and yes Regina rhymes with vagina LOL. In the States, do people usually pronounce it “regeena”?

    Sarah, beans and rice are my go-to meal too! As we speak I’m making “butter chickpeas”: Patak’s butter chicken paste (which contains no butter, strangely) cooked with chickpeas instead of chicken. Served over rice, it’s the best!

  5. Babette says:

    That was a great vlog, Sarah. Very interesting!

    I made the raunchy red lentil soup from the calendar last weekend and it really rocks!

  6. Morgane says:

    Bonjour Sarah!

    Wanted to say Thank you and Bravo!!
    I am new to veganism, i am learning little by little…and the more i read the less i want to eat meat and dairy products! I think my christmas foie gras, was my last one (yes i am french, hehe)!! So thank you for your books, you make it easy and fun, i love it!!

    Last sunday i made your banana pancakes..HUMMMMM…Miam miam!!! Soooo good!

    Ten years ago, my canadian friends took me on a big tour, through the country, from Toronto to Vancouver island. I have good memories in Victoria… I remember that night we were driving to the north of the island to go wale watching, and we found out in the middle of the wood that we were running out of gas AAAAhhh! I got really scared when we saw the big sign: Beware of Bears!! I don’t know how we made it to the fishing harbour, but did it!

    Ok enough about telling my life! Thanks again for your precious ideas, advices, and for making veganism cool!!

    I loved, loved your ‘Vlog’, and even though you must be busy, i am going to be selfish… can you make more?? Pleeeeease?!
    I was laughing so much at your ‘Nnnttt’…hehe! You are great!!!

    Ooops that was a long comment…Have a great week!!

  7. Larissa says:

    I miss you and Victoria with all my heart and guts.

    I had a massive off-leash dog park party in Edmonton today, which was adorable, but it was no Dallas Road …

  8. Katie says:

    Great vlog, Sarah! =) I instantly thought of How I Met Your Mother when I heard you say ‘woo girl’ and then you showed a picture from the show, it was quite funny. =) Thanks for the awesome vlog, I hope you do more soon!

  9. Eli Ally says:

    i really love this comedy TV Series, Allyson Hannigan is also very pretty.”,-

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