There have been rumblings of snow on the news but when I left Victoria it was sunny and warm … so I scoffed at the weatherman and his idiotic prediction and caught the ferry to Vancouver.
About halfway across the water the sky turned gray and it became bitterly cold. Uh oh. Looks like the weatherman might be right. Eeek.As I drove into Vancouver it was really cold but still no snow … There’s this one building on Granville that butts up against the Granville St. Bridge exit. Whenever I drive by it I always wonder what it would be like to live there with all those cars whizzing by.
Got to my parents. Settled in. Had a nice catch-up session (I haven’t seen my parents since Aug because we’ve both been traveling so much). Went to bed early (my parents are fighting jet-lag) and I woke up to a winter wonderland outside my window. CURSES. The weatherman is so smart.
I wasn’t sure if the Smart has all-weather tires so my parents drove me to Whole Foods for my event. I feel like I’m 12 years old when I sit in the back of my parents car …
Got to Whole Foods where there were signs on the door…
A calendar on the wall…
And a table set up for me in the sorbet aisle. Eeeek. It was soooo cold!
My Dad is so cute…
My Step-Mum is even cuter!
The book signing was pretty slow. Probably because of the snow (we in Vancouver/Victoria are not equipped to deal with snow) but a few wonderful people made the trek to come by to say hi.
After my event, my parents took me to Saravanaa Bhavan for dinner. The food there is killer!! I highly recommend it.
The next day I had a meeting with my publishers about future projects and the meeting went a little longer than I expected and I had to hurry home before the roads got bad. I’m sad I didn’t have time to pop into Gorilla Food or visit Beautilicious. 🙁 Oh well… next time.
The ferry ride home was boring (as usual) and not very full. I wish we had a chunnel. For those of you who are Battlestar fans … … this car deck was used in some of the earlier episodes as the belly of the ship.
Glad to be home again. 2 nights away from my dog and husband felt like forever for some reason. I don’t want to leave home again for a while.
I have stumbled on to your books via out local bookstore.
And being in Florida I highly doubt you would be battling the snow…hurricanes maybe, but snow? Nah!
Shhhh. I got one of your books for my daughter for Christmas. We are not looking to go vegan, but have no problem with adding vegan dishes to our diet. And hey, over 50% of our diet is vegan anyway.