Ugh… my kitchen.

So the ceiling in the kitchen is hilarious. We tore down that false ceiling and was going to replace the lights with something simple … only to find that the f**ktards who put in the lighting CUT the drywall to make room for the lights. Totally unnecessary and put crazy scary wires everywhere. They did such a bad job… and now we’re going to have to dry-wall the ceiling. Ugh. For now … we ignore. Ignoring the ceiling, I finally have everything put away and all my boxes unpacked… I now have to tackle the f-ugly.

Eventually I want to rip out EVERYTHING and put in an entirely new footprint. This kitchen is big and has lots of cupboards but the stove is waaaaay across on the other side of the room from where I prep and it’s frustrating. Eventually I’d like to gut it and build my dream kitchen… but I’ll have to sell a few more cookbooks before that can happen so in the mean time I need to just do what I can with paint. 🙂

First… the cupboards. Ugly. I bought new handles (sleek polished silver and modern) but what color should I paint?
The thing to remember is we have this terrible tile to contend with. Can you paint over tile?? This terrible countertop color…
and this terrible floor… (yes I know my toes are long… shut it).
So here’s the left side of the kitchen… (excuse the mess).
Here’s the right side of the kitchen… What freaking colors should I paint?? Ugh… so overwhelming. Any thoughts?

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0 Responses to Ugh… my kitchen.

  1. Carol says:

    It makes you wonder how it all came about to be that combo of colours and patterns, doesn’t it?
    I mean, at some point, was there a woman running to her husband with tile, flooring & countertop chips in hand, all excited because she had found her dream kitchen colours? Yikes.

  2. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Man, those cupboards are super fugly! I think changing the handles will make a HUGE difference. Hmmm….what colour to paint? I know! Red. HA! Seriously…I love yellow in a kitchen. It’s bright and cheery. You’re imaginative so I’m sure whatever you decide will knock our socks off. BTW, I thought I was the only person who used the word fu*ktard. I’ve never heard anyone else say it. That is so awesome that you even put it in your post!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I vote for orange cupboards.

  4. angela says:

    our master bathroom (yes we have 2!!) has the same over tiling clash combo thing happenin as your kitchen & like you we can not afford to rip it out. So I spent quite a while staring @ the floor & decided to embrace the mustard yellow overlapping circle pattern. Seriously. I painted the walls a hot mustard yellow, which pulls the floor tiling, the counter top faux marbling & the shower flower tiling together. I then chose all neutral gray accessories – curtain, mats. It works! Embrace the fugly – Luke, come to the dark side

  5. wendy says:

    I vote for pale turquoise blue cupboards. And yes, you can paint tiles. My landlord did. It doesn’t last forever though, after two years, the paint is starting to peel a bit.

  6. ~ Cee ~ says:

    Here is an article on painting tile from the ‘Ask the Builder’ site:

  7. Ashley says:

    I also vote for turquoise…

  8. leigh says:

    i see a ribbon!
    yes, i like yellow for kitchens too. or orange. I love those clocks!

  9. Holly says:

    I’m a fan of bright yellow, red, orange, or lime green in kitchens. I think with the cupboards you could always paint them white and then they kinda go with everything. Although I saw an episode of Trading Spaces where they painted the kitchen red and the cupboards an orange-ish color. It was colorful!

  10. Laurelle says:

    hmm i think you should paint the body of the cabinets one color, and the door of the cabinets another.

    i don’t really have a color suggestion, but that’s my 2 cents.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I had a bright lime green kitchen!
    It cheered the fuck out of me!!!!

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