Touched me deep inside …

This ALMOST makes me want to go to church.

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0 Responses to Touched me deep inside …

  1. Brittany says:

    “He is like a mounty”

    huh… well i’ve been a christian for a while…. and i don’t think i’ve ever heard Jesus refered to as a mounty

    hahahahaha I love it I love it!! 🙂


  2. Carol says:

    Well…wow…..uh…yeah….thanks for introducing me to a new ear worm!

  3. Phil says:

    Their music is unquestionably effective; in fact, the only thought I was capable of mustering, upon viewing this vid, was the name of Our Lord and Savior!

    But, He did not feed the multitude on loaves and hummus. Adapting a truly religious theme to vegan cuisine is therefore a challenge.

    I remember once watching some great chef on TV, it was that world-famous chef from the south of France whose name escapes me, he’s from Dijon or Lyons or someplace like that, you know who I’m talking about, prepare a mock fish dish. A kind of a what-have-you lasagna baked in a dish shaped like a fish.

    Perhaps you could convert to seedy-vacantist Catholicism and write a cookbook called, Why Stop at Fridays?

    Of course, that will be after the forthcoming Hawaiian cookbook, no doubt…

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