Time flies …

Yesterday I got a message from Gerry’s Mum wishing us a happy anniversary. I looked at Gerry and said “What anniversary…?” Ha ha ha. Turns out yesterday was our 16th wedding anniversary. I don’t know why but we forget our anniversary every year … maybe because EVERY day is a day to celebrate.

16 years later we still enjoy each other. I mean… I still get a shiver when he walks into the room and smiles at me.  🙂

Gerry and I were on our way to Ikea when we got the message from Gerry’s Mum. We had to pick up some new furniture for Tattoo Zoo and so we rented a van and headed to the mainland. Fergus was very excited …

As we were driving down the highway Gerry and I talked about what we were doing on this day 16 years ago.

We eloped to Vegas but had ZERO $$ so we stayed at a Motel 6 for most of our trip but managed to scrape up enough funds to spend ONE night at Caesars Palace. So the wedding day morning we shlepped our bags from the Motel 6 to Caesars. We couldn’t even afford a cab so we walked part way and took the free monorail the rest. I don’t even think our suitcases had wheels on them. Eeek!

We checked in. Marveled at the telephone in the bathroom (I even think Gerry might have called his folks from the toilet phone), got dolled up for the ceremony (my dress was purchased at a garage sale for $2) and then headed to the Little White Chapel (in a limo provided by the chapel) for the ceremony.

It was such a wonderful day/evening. Just me and my new hubby floating around Vegas like we had clouds on our feet. So happy to be on an adventure together …

So it’s kind of fitting that our 16th anniversary was also on the road. Only this time we had our sweet-baby-lamb with us.  🙂

We bypassed Vancouver and headed to the Coquitlam Ikea because they had everything we needed in stock.

But before we hit the Ikea – we went for lunch. I used my hand-dandy VEG OUT iphone app to find vegan friendly food in the area we were going to be. We found an all-vegan (and gluten free) place we had never been before and went sat down with hungry bellies and high-hopes.

Dang. Our hopes were dashed.

The food was ok – but here’s my pet-peeve. I can’t do soy – so I asked our waitress what was in the gravy. She walked out with a PACKAGE of vegan gravy. I don’t think you should be allowed to run a restaurant if you’re going to use pre-packaged food. Especially for something like gravy. Srsly. You can whip up gravy in about 3 minutes from fresh ingredients. It’s shameful to serve pre-package gravy.

The second issue was I had mentioned to my server more then once that I had a soy intolerance – so they altered my sandwich order for me so there would be no soy – but the coleslaw that accompanied the sandwich was covered in soy-mayonnaise. It’s a good thing I asked before I ate it. When I asked her about it she brought out the JAR of mayo for me to look at. Mayo. From. A. Jar.

Come on people. If you’re going to open a restaurant – please step up to the plate and make your food from scratch. Vegan mayo is probably easier to make then vegan gravy. $30 later *cough* we walked away very disappointed and will never go back.  🙁

We made our way through Ikea in record time – only grabbing the things we NEEDED and avoiding buying anything that wasn’t on the list. Although I ALMOST bought a new duvet cover (Gerry’s Mum was complaining to us that we need a new one) but after our expensive disappointing meal I was feeling poor so we decided to wait till next time for the duvet cover.

Wow. This is only 1/2 of what we bought. I had another cart full of stuff … Yikes!

We hit the road and headed right back to the ferry. Sorry Vancouver friends/family – no time to visit. Next time.  🙂

I was so happy when we finally got off the highway and boarded the ferry. The mainland is too much for me. Too many cars. Too much cement…

Once we got onto the ferry back to Vancouver Island – I felt like I could breathe again. I love me some island living!! 🙂

It was a very long day for everyone …

But if I have to be stuck in traffic in hellacious traffic – spending it with my hubby Gerry and sweet baby Fergus is not a bad way to spend the day. Time flies when you’re in love!!  🙂

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4 Responses to Time flies …

  1. Miranda says:

    Happy anniversary you love birds! Hope we’ll be as happy as you after 16 years 🙂

  2. Shannon says:

    Awwwwww not only was that the sweetest blog about the man that still takes your breath away, it was a reminder that true love is still out there if you are willing to look for it.

    Happy Anniversary

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