Had a great hike around Thetis Lake yesterday with my boys … Fergus found something dead to roll around in (ugh).
And I ended up having a full blown panic attack during the hike. WTF? It’s been a while since I had a panic attack and being in the middle of nowhere when it happens is no fun. We stopped hiking and Gerry held me tightly (like a swaddled baby) and it eventually passed.
I came home to find a few new sales via the new Sarah’s Place store. Yippee!!
And I spent the rest of the afternoon packing up products to ship. 🙂
For those of you who haven’t had a chance to look around the new store … please do.
I add new stuff every day and a lot of the items are one-of-a-kind – meaning that once they are gone. They are GONE!
I also added some coin banks! Remember when I saved up $375 by only depositing $2 and $1 coins into my can!!
Well now you can save $$ too! I only have a few of each coin can in stock so get them while you can. 🙂
Hi Sarah, the new site looks great. It’s got your style written all over it! 🙂
I’m so sorry you had a panic attack, I’ve had a few in the past too, not much fun. But a hug helps make things all better hey. 🙂
By the way I’m promoting La Dolce Vegan like mad on my new blog at the moment – hope it brings some more enlightened souls to your delicious recipes…I’m totally obsessed by the Cinnamon Walnut Cake and the Oh Baby Onion Dip at the moment…;)
Take care! 🙂