The lucky number 13!

Congrats to everyone who won a free button!

And for those of you into vintage scooters I have a few pins up on ebay.

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0 Responses to The lucky number 13!

  1. KleoPatra says:

    Those are great buttons!! AWEsome!!

  2. Sarah says:

    Ah another amazing Sarah 😉 I tell you there are no coincidences..

  3. Judith MacCaellich-Young says:

    Hello Sarah, Kleopatra said you had a soy allergy too, so I just popped over to say hello. 🙂
    I love the buttons!


  4. Nats says:

    YAY! I just got my sweeeet geetar pick in! Woot! Time to go play some music! THANKS SARAH!!!

  5. Stina says:

    Buttons Buttons everywhere but not a drop to drink* Wait I think that was bubbles .

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