The Hole

The SHAC 7 are having a bad go of it over the past few days and need to hear from you!

Lauren Gazzola and Andrew Stepanian have been barred from using the phone for 6 months. This drastically reduces their ability to communicate with both their support committees and their family and loves one as stamps are limited. Losing their phone “privileges,” means that their only means of hearing what’s happening outside the prison walls is via mail. Please write, send photos (no polaroids), etc.

Also, some bad news for Jake & Josh as well.

Jake Conroy’s prison is on lockdown (meaning he can’t leave his cell 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the indefinite future–probably 2 weeks or more) due to a major fight at the prison (Jake wasn’t involved and is ok.) and Josh Harper informed his support committee yesterday that he was removed from his cell and taken to the hole. No reasons have been given, but there’s really nothing Josh can do right now but bide his time and hope he gets let out of there soon.

Prison is bad enough, but the hole means being locked into a cell all day long, losing a lot (if not all) of your possessions (including letters he’d recently received, and a dispatch and response letters he’d just written), down to one 15-min. phone call per week, and losing access to what few vegan options he’d had.

All the SHAC 7 really need your support to help them get thorough these hard times. Please take a few minutes to write all of them.

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0 Responses to The Hole

  1. KatyGee says:

    sickening. this breaks my heart. 🙁

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