The Great Purge of 2010

So I’ve spent the last couple of days purging my facebook friends list … but because you’re all so important to me I didn’t want to just delete you and hope you found the fanpage. So before I delete each “friend” I cut and pasted a message letting you know about my move to a fanpage. Hopefully I won’t lose too many people in the move. 🙂

I’ve had some really sad good-bye letters from fans … and I want you to know that I’m not going anywhere. Seriously.  🙂 There is no reason to be so sad because my fanpage will still have all the same twitter/blog updates and if you join the fanpage my updates will show up in your feed so you won’t miss a thing. Only now that I don’t have to navigate through a 3000 person friends list I can actually keep up with what’s going on with both my “friends” and my friends.

Boy-howdy is my shoulder ever MAD at me for sitting in front of the computer going through 1800 profiles … and I still have 1000 left to go. *laugh*

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0 Responses to The Great Purge of 2010

  1. Holly says:

    That is so sweet of you to go through all the profile pages so that everyone will know about your fan page! But correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you send out an invite to all of your friends asking them to become a fan of your fanpage? I just got an email this morning from a friend who wanted me to become a fan of her symphony. I think she sent it out to all her friends at once.

  2. Rob Halpin says:

    S, SO nice of you to add a note/link to the fan page on everyone’s pages. Thanks!!

    My colleagues were all like, “YOU know SARAH KRAMER!” I played it cool 😉

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