The big move …

I’ve been so busy setting up the new Sarah’s Place location that I haven’t had a chance to blog about the move!! As soon as the Vegan Festival was over – Gerry and our crew started working on the new location.

It was basically just an empty box with plywood floors but the space is so unique and I could see it’s potential – so we got to work!

My friend Morgan painted the walls/windows inside as well as the outside hallway to my store – which made it look so fresh and inviting.

Next Gerry and I got to work stenciling the floor. Rather then spend the $$ on a commercial floor – we decided to go with the existing plywood in the space and stencil it. I found this fantastic Stencil by Kim Myles and we got to work.

First we put down a thick coat of vegan-butter yellow paint. 🙂

Then we got to work on the stencil. The first square is the most important. It’s gotta be perfectly in the middle and straight as it sets the tone for the rest of the floor.

Once we got into the rhythm of it our stencil started to come along nicely …

It a couple of very physically exhausting days. Gerry and I worked during the day at our respective stores and then at night we’d go to the new location and put down the stencil.

My arms, knees and neck were killing me. We were on a tight schedule and we had to get the floors done in time for our construction guy Sean to come in and build me some change rooms.

All in all the entire floor took us about 6 hours (but that doesn’t count prep-time) and I’m so so happy with how it looks! 🙂

Then Sean started construction. 2 change-rooms and a big storeroom.

While Sean was using his nailgun – my friend Jeff was doing the electrical and helping me set up the lights. There is NO WAY I would have been able to go to the top of that ladder and wire up the lamp. Thank goodness for Jeff.

The second Sean was done we (Eckle, Corey, Gerry and I) started working on the drywall…

My change-room looks like a clown-car! 🙂

Drywall is exhausting work … Fergus helped me take a fiver.

We managed to get everything done in time (barely) and then suddenly it was my last day at the old location.

It was an incredibly busy day that last day – and that’s when I started to feel less stressed about the big move. The big move was necessary… I’ve grown out of this space.  🙂

With the retail day over – I started to pack up shop.

It was really weird to see the old location empty … bittersweet but mostly sweet. 🙂 I had a really great year in that location and it was a great way for me to get my feet wet and see if this concept I had for my store would work.

With the help of Gerry, Jordan and Dave – we moved all the boxes over in a few hours …

First thing I did was mark my territory.  🙂

Fergus was no help at all…  🙂

He spent most of his time keeping an eye on the other dog looking at him in the mirror…

24 hours after moving in – we opened the doors to the new Sarah’s Place.

It’s still a work in progress …

I have some painting, wallpapering and organization left to do but I’ve been so busy during the day (nice problem to have) 🙂 that I haven’t had a chance to put on the all the finishing touches the way I like – but I’ve learned over the last year that the store is an ever evolving work-in-progress.

You know what’s funny? When I first moved to Victoria at the ripe old age of 18 – I used to sit in Market Square courtyard and hang out with my friends.

I also spent a lot of contemplative time here. The courtyard is a magical space in the middle of hectic downtown Victoria. I would sit on a bench in the shade and daydream about what I wanted my life to become.

At that age I didn’t have a life plan (I still don’t – ha ha) but I knew that I wanted to do something with my life that was interesting, exciting and most importantly fueled me creatively.

I think it’s crazy how life works … cause here I am 25 years later and Sarah’s Place is a part of the Market Square family. Life is wonderful and I’m so thankful.

Big thanks to EVERYONE who helped move boxes, build, paint, nail, screw and move me over to the new location. Thanks to the Market Square crew who loaned me ladders, helped lug giant fans (to dry the paint) and a BIG thanks to all my customers who have come in to check out the new space (both in person and online).

I wouldn’t be here living my daydream without all of your loving support – so thank you.



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4 Responses to The big move …

  1. Leah Rouse says:

    Congratulations and the best of luck in your new place Sarah!!! It looks beautiful!!!

  2. Vanisle Jay says:

    Congratulations on the big move Sarah. The new space looks awesome and I am excited to see it next time I visit.

    Also, congratulations on making your store a huge success so far, and being able to bust at the seams after only a year! Keep up the awesome work.

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