Thank you

Hi Friends,
Thank you doesn’t even begin to cover our gratitude for your donation. The amount of relief we are both now feeling is because of ALL OF YOU!! 🙂 Isn’t it amazing how a few bucks from each of you can add up to so much? We love our community!!!

Trying my best to keep our anxiety low, but we are about a month away from our trip over to the mainland for Geri’s surgery. Happily, I have secured our hotel/condo with a kitchen so I can cook nourishing food for Geri (food is my love language).

To help keep me grounded, I have lists on top of lists of things we need to bring with us, and knowing me I’ll probably pack and re-pack many times before we head over. Most important are my mouthguard, CPAP machine, and kitchen knife for preparing food. *laugh*

Walter isn’t a good traveller (and neither am I). We both need our creature comforts and function better with a routine, but Walter is an excellent nurse dog, so I’m hoping once we get settled in our new condo and develop a routine, he will be able to chill out and we can both focus on snuggling the patient.

Geri can’t believe how many of you have stepped forward with a donation and kind words. I think for so long, she felt like she didn’t deserve to live a life as her authentic self and after suppressing her true self for almost 50 years it’s going to take some time to feel that she deserves all this love and support.

Long story short. 
Thank you. 🙂
Sarah, Geri, and Walter

If you’d like to help us in other ways you can book a tattoo appointment with Geri for 2025. Her booking link is here:

p.p.s. If you like weird tchotchkes – check out my Instagram store where I sell all kinds of weird stuff:

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