Stupid summer cold…

At least my new beautiful handcrafted Vegan Mug from Vegan Dish arrived in time for me to drink echinacea tea out of.
I have also managed to NOT get a cold in my eyes like a normally do by rinsing out my nose a couple of times a day with a Neti Pot. So far… so good.

Back to the couch!

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0 Responses to Stupid summer cold…

  1. Deborah says:

    Neti pots are the coolest invention ever!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have a neti pot, but have been afraid to use it! I’ve seen them used, but it still makes me nervous every time I think of using it.
    BTW, nice mug Sarah! 🙂

  3. leigh says:

    it’s beautiful! i am scared of neti pots…like i will choke or drown.
    i hope you feel better!
    have you tried Airborne? i am not entirely sure if it is vegan.

  4. E.K. Wimmer says:

    Is that an original Blue Velvet poster on your wall?

  5. Tee says:

    Where can you get this neti pot in Victoria BC? Perfect gift for my stuffed up brother!! (:

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