So – ready – to – leave!

I know I’m ready for this vacation to Maui because everything and EVERYONE is bugging the sheep out of me and I can’t wait to get out of here! *laugh*

In other news … I’ve been pondering what hobby to take on this year but still haven’t figured one out yet. It has to be something creative and something that will keep my ADD brain from getting bored. Hmmmm. What to do. What to do…

In other news … Is it weird that I want my house to be spotless before I leave for Maui so that when we get home it feels like a maid cleaned up while we were away? Can cleaning be my hobby? 5 more sleeps till Maui!! 🙂

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0 Responses to So – ready – to – leave!

  1. Porsche says:

    Hmm, maybe a new and fun hobby for you would be rollerskating? It sure looked really fun when I watched Whip It.

  2. Sasha says:

    I always have to tidy the house before I go on holidays. My husband jokes about it every time. But, ker-ching! it must be the maid thing for me too 🙂

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