So much…

So much for my theory that West Jet never has delays… here I am sitting in the Edmonton airport delayed for 2 hours. Le sigh. I just wanna go home.

Well thank ELVIS for Wi-Fi or I’d be crying in my bag of chips. That’s right… there is NOTHING for me to eat in this airport except “lightly salted” potato chips. Ummmmm who wants light salt? That’s bullshit. Give me salt or give me death!! Luckily I have some leftover lunch from the Toronto to Edmonton flight because I fell asleep.

ASLEEP!! Yes. Asleep. I never sleep on planes because I’m too busy flying them with my mind. *laugh* I have NEVER slept on a plane… it freaks me out too much. Somehow (I must have been really tired) I was lulled asleep by the soft soothing tone of Oprah’s voice on the airplane television.

I’m burnt out and really ready to go home. This trip to TO was soooooooo much fun but I don’t think I got to bed before 2am every night. My trip was full of fun, food and so much laughter that I think I may have wet myself.

I’ll update you with photos and all that fun stuff when I get home and after I take a long bath. I smell like travelling. I think I’ve washed my hands 4000 times in the last hour. Airports are dirty… I think I’m morphing into Howard Hughes. Next thing you know I’ll be walking around with kleenex boxes on my feet with bottles of piss collected in the corner of the room.

Ok. I’m out. I’m off to surf the net and look at all the blogs I haven’t looked at all week. I have NO idea what’s going on out there in the world of gossip.

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0 Responses to So much…

  1. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    “I think I’ve washed my hands 4000 times in the last hour. Airports are dirty… I think I’m morphing into Howard Hughes.”
    HAHAHAHA!! You are so friggin’ hilarious! I’m really sorry I didn’t get to see you this trip. Nothing went my way :o( Are you by chance coming for the Vegetarian Food Fair in Sept?
    Glad you are safely home and can’t wait to see photos!

  2. Sarah's Blog says:

    If they invite me again… I’d be there in a heartbeat. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    why haven’t I checked out that blog yet? all my favourite people and the bitchy things to be said about them… and that was just in one entry. whoa. I don’t care if christina ricci smokes, I still love her.

    glad you had a good trip. sorry about the howard hughes phenomenon. hoping to come see you guys soon… are you at the zoo on a regular basis or do you just make guest appearances? tax return = more space for spacedog.

    xox the dawg

  4. Sarah's Blog says:

    Hey Spacedog.
    I’m there off and on, but not regular like just yet. G-Man will probably tell me when you’re coming in… so I’ll come down and say hello. 🙂

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