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0 Responses to SHAZAM!

  1. Wiebke says:

    congratulations! the site looks great.
    i will take my rebel for a walk today and take some farewell pics of montreal. 🙂
    only a few more days to go and i’ll be on my way to nyc.

  2. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Congratulations Sarah! Very nice website set-up. Your photos are truly amazing! I especially liked the one of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. And of course, Fergus photos always please.

  3. kinziephoto says:

    Awesome! I love it!

  4. KleoPatra says:

    Wow, an amazing and inspiring story on that Web site of yours (which is tres cool) about how you got into photography – and the serious health issues you faced with the chemicals from the hair and photography stuff.

    What *can’t* you do, Ms. Kramer? Lovin’ the photos…

  5. yewa says:

    I didn´t knew that gift! =) AMAZING =)

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