
I never did tell you about the Seattle portion of my trip. Well … first thing in the morning I did an interview with Patricia from The Huffington Post.
She was a real sweetie and she gave me a ride down to the Madison Market for my book signing. Quite a few people showed up as I sat in the wine aisle in the middle of the store and signed books. If you’re ever in Seattle you must go and visit The Madision Market. Everyone who works there is amazing and I love love love every inch of the store.

Even my beautiful little 2nd cousin Ursula came to see me … gosh she’s a little living doll. LOVE HER!
While I was there I saw a book that might just rival Vegan A Gogo in the mini department. Can you believe how small it is?? *laugh* You could eat that in one bite. My trip to Seattle was short but sweet. Next time I’m down … I need to spend more time there. This visit was too quick. I love you Seattle!

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2 Responses to Seattle

  1. Lesli says:

    Hey next time come say HEY to Olympia! We are only 1 hour south and have an awesome Vegan burrito place!
    You always have a guest room here if you need one!

  2. Happie Kamper says:

    So does this mean that you’re going to start planning your east coast trip????

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