
I had such a good “score” day… Went to Tillicum Mall to pick something up and there was a bunch of antique tables selling stuff. Look what I scored all from one table!!

Oh Mr. T…

This doll has rotating faces that gives you 3 different looks. So weird!!

And last but not least…
I FOUND BEEP JUICE CUPS! I almost fell over on the spot.

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0 Responses to Score!!

  1. paisley says:

    I pity the fool that let that MR. T doll get away, what an awesome find.

  2. Tracy says:

    Oh man, I am sooo jealous of those Beep cups!

  3. Mizz Monster says:

    I *LOVE* Beep!!!!!

  4. sista sarah says:

    Beep cups! Wicked!
    That baby with rotating head is scary.

  5. Anonymous says:

    beep! I know a doze kids from SK that would kill for that…

    I think those are the coolest things ever to come out of tillicum mall.


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