I was walking the dog this morning and found these crazy huge mid-century fiberglass lampshades. Score!!
Anyone know how to shine/spiff them up? They have a bit of sun-damage.
I would repaint them with a funcky design, maybe large black horizaontal bands and smaller silver bands. There are so many things you can do to jazz them up.
hey i think i saw those on Fort st!!??
ha ha … you did.
I’m wondering if you could apply a brown furniture wax and then buff it out. Maybe that would even the tone. Crazy find.
I would repaint them with a funcky design, maybe large black horizaontal bands and smaller silver bands. There are so many things you can do to jazz them up.
If you paint them, you lose the translucency that makes them attractive.
I have no intention of painting them Robert. Don’t worry.
Just want to spiff them up.