Woke up so so so excited. Why? Because Jane had made plans for us to have a SPA DAY!!
First … I had a major snuggle with The Twins.
Then Jane and I drove out to somewhere (I got lost) to some spa (I can’t remember the name) and had facials and massages. I have never been so molested, extracted, rubbed, slapped and steamed in my life. It was INCREDIBLE!!
I’ve never had a facial like that … with a magnifying glass, steam and a woman with an ice-pick digging around in my face. It was GREAT! 🙂 My massage was equally as intense. I actually have bruises all over my back from it … it was wonderful! I love an intense massage. She pummeled me into submission and I walked out of there feeling like wet-noodle with the smoothest softest face in the world. 🙂
But spa day wasn’t over yet … first we hit Frapez in The Castro for green smoothies and then went to a nail place around the corner to get our feets did up pretty. 🙂
Spaaaa-ahhhhhhh! 🙂
We came home and had naps (because the day was so wonderfully exhausting) *laugh* and then Gerry told me all about his day. He walked from The Castro to Coit tower and from there to the top of Lombard Street. From there he took a cable-car downtown and from there took the subway (who knew San Fran had a subway?) back to the Castro. In between all his walking he bumped into the celebration parade for The Giants. All in all he walked over 5 miles that day. He’s a machine!! 🙂
STARVING we hit up Gracias Madre for dinner and was IT EVER YUMMY! So yummy that I completely forgot to take photos because we were so busy stuffing food into our mouths. *laugh*
I did get a photo of the Butter Nut Squash Quesadilla…ÂÂ
Once again … I was NOT wearing my eating pants. What good are eating pants if you leave them at home??
Stuffed and happy we went back home and Gerry tattoo’d Jane’s ankle.
Then everybody fell into bed exhausted … what a day. 🙂
Interesting, thanks for that. My son has a terrible aversion to eating raw fruit for some reason, so I made it into smoothies for him and then he loves it! I also found some great smoothie recipes here and thought I’d share – lots of other great ideas there.