Radio Interview with Animal Voices…

I’m doing a *live* radio interview for Animal Voices with my buddy Lauren on Tuesday at 11:am (8am for you west-coasters).

If you’re in Toronto you can tune in to CIUT 89.5fm or if you’re on the web go here: and click on the big red button on the top right of the page that says “listen”.

I will be conducting said interview in my pajamas and possible from the confines of my bed because 8am is the CRACK OF FREAKIN DAWN!!

Damn you Lauren and your early morning interviews. 🙂

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One Response to Radio Interview with Animal Voices…

  1. Shawn Powers says:

    LOL! I agree, 8AM is early. I’ve always hated mornings — but I’m trying to train myself to be a morning person. So far I’m on day 6, and I have mixed feelings on the matter. 😉

    BTW, I got a link to your site from Susan’s Site.

    Good luck on Tuesday!

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