Quick little trip

Made a quick little trip to Vancouver on Monday and it was all business. Had a couple of meetings to attend and one of them was at my publishers office at Arsenal Pulp Press.

I love the people I work with at Arsenal Pulp. Really supportive, lovely bunch of coconuts. I likey!

On the ferry ride over I spotted a copy of BC Bookworld Magazine and saw my face on the cover. WHAT? Then I looked inside and saw the full page spread. I knew they were going to do a little article but I wasn’t sure when and boy-howdy it was a shocker to see such a big article.

THANK YOU BC Bookworld! It was crazy to see people on the ferry reading about me … kind of uncomfortable and thrilling all at the same time. BTW the article is an abridged version of my new introduction in the How It All Vegan 10th Anniversary Edition so don’t worry about missing anything…  🙂

After my meeting with my publishers (no news to report at this time about new projects so don’t get excited) I had a quick visit/dinner with my pal Stephanie at a place I had never been before called The Red Sea Cafe.

It was pretty good.

It’s no Ethiopian House but the food was yum and I’m sure I’ll go there again next time I’m in Vancouver. I then headed to my parents house and spent the evening talking to them about their up-coming trip to NYC (I’m jealous) and helped them plan out their itinerary. I think they are going to visit Candle 79. I’ll be interested to hear what they think of it …

Trying hard to stifle my yawns – we all decided to call it a night and head to our respective beds. I said my good-nights to my lovely parents and went into the guest room to … stare … at … the… dreaded… painting that’s in the guest room. It scares the S**T out of me!!

After a fretful nights sleep (I blame the painting) I got up and enjoyed a big bowl of my parents famous oatmeal (I don’t know why it’s so special … but it’s so yum), wished my parents a safe and fun trip, handed out lots of hugs and love and then and then headed out the door for another meeting.

I met up with my pal Bif Naked and her friend Preet (the owner of Organic Lives) to discuss some business (which I’ll be announcing soon).

Organic Lives is so cool!! Have any of you been? They have a cafe in the front of the store and the food is SO GOOD!

Bif ordered me her favourite shake (can’t remember the name) but it was DELISH!! I also ordered a Caesar Salad and the French Country Feast to-go to take with me for the ferry ride home. Yumtastic!!

To kill some time on the ferry I autographed all my books and then “faced” them out. There were 3 HIAV at the start of the trip and only 1 left when the boat docked. That’s a good days work, eh? *laugh* I think it’s really cool that BC Ferries has so many BC/Canadian books and products in their gift store. Yay BC Ferries.

In the ferry bathroom I saw some excellent graffiti. I guess Dale isn’t liked … wonder what he did.

Got home to see the happy face of my best-buddy and spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling.

It is good to be home…

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0 Responses to Quick little trip

  1. I’ve never tried Red Sea Cafe, but I do love Ethiopian food! My favorite restaurant in Vancouver is Harambe on Commercial Drive (at 6th, I think). Next time you’re in town, you should try it! The family that owns it is always in there, they’re so nice and the food is just amazing.

  2. Alison C. says:

    Awww… the last picture of Fergus is the best!

  3. Michelle says:

    Ethiopian House is The Best, and Red Sea Cafe is the only Ethiopian place we’ve found in Vancouver so far that even comes close to it.

    Can’t wait to hear about this “business”. And for the record, I always face your books on the ferry 🙂

  4. Jenn says:

    Hi Sarah:)
    I had not noticed Organic Lives before…I checked out their website and I plan on checking them out soon! Thanks!
    I don’t think I could sleep in a room with that picture in it either….creepy…
    (Like Michelle above, Robyn and I also face your books wherever we go. 🙂 ).

  5. Cathi C. says:

    Oh my! That painting is rather disturbing.

  6. Holly says:

    That painting reminds me of the little dude from The Island of Dr. Moreau:


  7. shawna says:

    i was on the ferry on thursday: found 1 signed copy of each book and of course faced the books all out again 8)

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