There’s an article with me in this magazine. Thank you Fede for the link. 🙂I have no idea what this says … but I think I look good in Italian! 🙂
There’s an article with me in this magazine. Thank you Fede for the link. 🙂I have no idea what this says … but I think I look good in Italian! 🙂
(i translate for you using google translate, it’s full of mistake, i hope you can understand :))
Sarah Kramer is a Go-Go’s girl ( “was my favorite band) fixed for 50 years and stockings, who lives happily with a tattooed as her husband and their dog (not tattooed), writing books How it as All Vegan (He went all to be vegan), The Garden of Vegan and La Dolce Vegan, and an output volume of recipes expressed naturally entitled Vegan a-Go-Go. “I like to keep their hands in many dough,” is his way of saying multitasking, since it has a famous blog kitchen, a shop tattoos, activist of Peta, goes on tour to preach that the veganesimo is the doctrine culinary more complete picture of the world, look at her. “Pull on without steaks from hippy mother. As long as 15 years to my way of infringing experiment was banned substances, then hamburgers. My marijuana.” But animal proteins were not drunk, indeed, tells of his little drama. “In 20 years I have diagnosed the CFCs, chronic fatigue syndrome, and I returned home to diet to better manage care.” A return to roots (literal). Now dreams of “design the perfect tofu”, and not dyeing their hair, “salt & pepper are more sexy”. Ce has with mistificatrici, with the larva of a woman of Victoria Beckham who made testimonial from the recipe of a former model self-styled vegan, entitled Skinny Bitch (published in Italy under the title The diet Skinny Bitch by Tea). “Sarah does not tolerate you associate with the vegan diet, that you are worse “counterfeiters margarine spacciata as plant but with animal waste.” Invite to boicottarle trying his cake champignon Canadian giants. On Myspace was “addata” (added) with my colleagues in the Post Punk Kitchen. Certainly not the author of Sex and Bacon Sarah K. Lewis, who admits that cooking “porcherie.” sex workers, as use among writers of these times, tried to “friggersi of bacon and eating in bed “with one of his lovers and did not stop more. The TV chef the like,” but it’s like watching porn, why should only enjoy them? “.
“La psico torta”??!?!?
I only speak Spanish, not Italian, so to me that looks like “psychotic cake”…which I guess is nowhere near the proper translation.
I like it though. It’s like something you should put on a t-shirt or something.