
When you take your dog for a walk at night and he poos in the tall grass and you stand there for what feels like hours staring at the poo spot trying to find the poo but you can’t find it… do you bend down and pretend to pick it up so if anyone is watching they think you’re picking up the poo and being a good dog person? Or do you just walk away…

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0 Responses to poo

  1. Anonymous says:

    walk away eileen

  2. leigh says:

    if no one’s there, walk away. if there are people around, pretend!

  3. Karen says:

    Bend over, try to dig around for the poo. If you can’t find it, then you haven’t to just walk away. My aunt brings a flashlight with her when she walks at night just for that purpose!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I do the Pretend to look, or rather, I exagerate the fact that I am looking, so any onlookers understand I am a good person… Its approval seeking behaviour at its strangest…

  5. Laurelle says:

    lol which one did you do?

    i don’t have a dog, but i’d probably walk away.

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