Play date…

While I got sweaty and moved boxes all day… someone had a fun play date with his girlfriend Suzi.

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0 Responses to Play date…

  1. primaryconsumer says:

    Haha, that’s so cute!

  2. Jane M says:

    Just one big…AAAAAAHHHHHHH

  3. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Oh my goodness! That amount of cuteness should be illegal. I want to hug them both.

  4. vegamy says:

    OMG. Could they be any cuter? Of course Fergus is absolutely adorable, but I have a weak spot for shih-tzus (mine is named Vinny).

  5. edgeofnormal says:

    Oh no! My puppy is so sad. She was hoping Fergus was a single dude…

    Ah, that first crush!

  6. KleoPatra says:

    Looks like true love… in a friendship-kinda-way…

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