Perfect day off…

Had a fantastic day off yesterday with my Lovah. We ran a few errands for the shopAnyone who owns their own business will tell you there is no such thing as a day off… and then we it Thetis Lake for a hike. It’s the perfect time of year for Thetis. Warm, but not too warm and it’s still early enough in the season that there is almost nobody out there. While we were trotting around we saw a vole. Fergus was VERY interested … Gerry had to climb into the mud and carry Fergus away so the vole wouldn’t become lunch. 🙂

And speaking of lunch…After a healthy hike around the lake, what’s better then a veggie burger at Harvey’s??It was a white trash food kind of day because Gerry made dinner. Mac & Cheese with hotdogs and a light layer of potato chips on top. He also threw in some broccoli to make me happy…Woke up this morning and made my Lovah-boy a nice breakfast… Apple Pie Pancakes, soy yogurt, veggie sausage… mmmmmmmmmm. What a way to start the day.
It’s 11:15 and I still have my pajamas on. *woot* I love days off.

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0 Responses to Perfect day off…

  1. Kramers says:

    Sounds like a good load of fun.
    The lake looks beautiful. Fergus must love dippin’ in the water.

  2. shannon says:

    what kind of soy cheese do you use?

  3. Sarah's Blog says:

    Shannon. I use Vegan-rella.

  4. girl least likely to says:

    hee! imagine my surprise (the delighted kind, of course) when i realized i’m wearing that “F.U.” t-shirt right now. awesome.

  5. Nighttime_stars says:

    Those pancakes are my fav. Sunday mornings wouldn’t be the same without em.

  6. Irish Flambeau says:

    I made those pancakes this morning, too! GREAT recipe. Bought your book last week, LOVE it. I can’t believe I never tried spelt flour before, I’m a believer! Delicious. Thanks for the great book.

  7. Crystal says:

    That white trash food looks pretty good, and so does that breakfast. I wish my boyfriend was vegan, and a good cook so I could have a yummy breakfast like that!

  8. Autumn says:

    mmm those look goods.

    sometimes i spend all this time trying to whip up some really awesome vegan pancakes and my son wants nothing to do with them. he’d rather have cereal…

    whose kid is this anyway?

  9. DreamQueen says:

    Uh, Harvey’s veg burgers aren’t vegan I don’t think.

  10. Sarah's Blog says:

    Dreamqueen… this site says they are:

  11. talisa says:

    sarah! Those sausages look delicious! I’ve tried veg sausages before but they were disgusting! What brand are those? I’m dying to know! 🙂

  12. Sarah's Blog says:

    Those are Yves brand.

  13. jen says:

    MMMMM – I haven’t tried that pancake recipe yet but I’m totally making them asap! Speaking of sausages…have you tried the Tofurkey ones ( SO GOOD!

    Does the Mac & Cheese have the hotdogs cut up in it? Fun! Heh any food that involves a layer of chips gets my seal of approval.

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