OPEN for business!

Hi Friends! I have re-opened Sarah’s Place. 🙂

screen-captureAs many of you know I had to close the retail store last July so I could focus on doing treatment for breast cancer. It was a really difficult decision to close but I’m glad I did. I needed to focus on my treatment.

Well … my treatment is over (thank Dog) and I’m starting to feel a bit like myself again. And while I don’t know if I will re-open the retail store yet … I thought I would re-open the online store so you can do some shopping! 🙂

As you can imagine – during packing up the store my inventory got a little messy. I am slowly re-counting everything and adding it back into the online store. Currently I only have books for sale but will slowly be adding more things.

I have a lot of books and I need your help to reduce my stock!! I know I don’t have Amazon prices … but I am able to offer you a FREE Autographed copy of How It All Vegan with every order (while supplies last).

Thank you all so much for your love and support.
I love you guys. 🙂

P.S. If you’re a local … use the code ILOVEVICTORIA and you won’t be charged shipping and you can pick up your purchase from TZ.

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5 Responses to OPEN for business!

  1. Maura says:

    A lot of love from Italy! So so so happy your treatment is over 🙂

  2. Missy says:

    Sarah. So thrilled you beat your Cancer. JUST found out you even had it to quite a surprise (while checking up on Bif). Then went through most of your last year’s blog! Have all your cookbooks, what do I need with the website LOLs

    Thanks for your sharing; lots of what you had to say was sooooo familiar, unfortunately. All the best in your continued recovery and keep strong. mwah!

  3. ADA says:

    Welcome back, Sarah! Glad you’re well enough to re-open!

  4. Patrick says:

    Sarah, you are beautiful! I’m just tuning in to your blog, but I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time. I’m sending you crazy good wishes.

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