Well it’s not quite done… I still have to wallpaper behind the desk and make a few more shelving adjustments but the Ikea pax units are in and are functioning! Woot!
This is what the nightmare office looked like before:My side now …
I now have a place for everything and everything is in it’s place. 🙂
Gerry’s side …We put a mirror door on the center unit so when I shoot photos my clients can see what they look like (it helps a lot for poses).
Gosh. My office is so tidy now … it’s wicked!
Very nice!
Very impressive! …now come organize my office! Hahaha. Maybe that should be your next project. I can see it now:
Sarah Kramer: Office Organizer
Sarah clears the clutter out of your office and your life.
You could even have a TV series based on that. 😀
‘Looks like some of your stuff found its way over to Gerry’s side of the room … 😉
It looks so tidy it brings a tear to my OCD eye….I love it…
Now I need for you to come and sort my office, costume loft, kitchen…….
I love it when things are in their perspective places. *My downfall is paper piles* They seem to procreate everywhere.
What time was it when you took this picture??