No no… thank you!

I got the cutest e-mail that totally made my day … Here’s an excerpt:

Thank you for:
Thank you for inspiring me to go to my local market instead of a corporate grocery
Thank you for saving me money by suggesting fresh and bulk
Thank you for proving to a carnivore that vegan food isn’t all bad (Auntie Bonnie’s Wacky Cake)
Thank you for teaching me how to cook
Thank you for the vegan whipped cream, it was deliciouson the cake
Thank you for proving to me that vegan food isn’t all bad (I’m finally cutting out my dairy and eggs)
Thank you for throwing in those vinegar tips, they worked like a charm (although how to avoid residue?)
Thank you for the childcare tips too, I can see you know how they tick
Thank you for the soymilk recipe, but I bought soynuts instead of beans and fuckered it all up
Thank you for inventing a banana date shake that tastes just like cake batter.
And lastly, thank you for being alive, because I can see that you two are truly enlightened people.

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0 Responses to No no… thank you!

  1. Mizz Monster says:

    *hahaha* “fuckered it all up” :’-)

  2. Karen says:

    I think that’s beautiful! More people should take the time to send truly heartfelt notes like that. It seems that instead, people often take each other for granted these days.

    Tee hee (I also enjoyed the “fuckered” comment!).

  3. Autumn says:

    seriously, give than woman my address. i need a note like that!

  4. KleoPatra says:


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