
I just got the nicest e-mail.

Hey Sarah….I just wanted to say (as probably tons of people have done) Thank You Thank You Thank You for all the wonderful recipies !!! You have made vegan cooking accessable to people in a way just not done by other vegan cook book authors…The first vegan cookbook I ever owned was “Very Vegetarian” and it used so many odd ingredients and had such difficult directions and instructions that it just wasn’t enjoyable. Your books are fun and interesting – they make the kitchen a good place to be and I just wanted you to know that they make a huge difference. When people ask me what cookbooks I use or for information about vegan cooking I always give them the names of your books as a good place to start because they are so user friendly – Thanks to you my whole family is now vegan 🙂 including my 72 yr old grandmother! Hope you have a wonderful day and please please please don’t stop writing cookbooks 🙂


Gosh you people are nice to me.

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0 Responses to Nice…

  1. Maria Rose says:

    It’s nice to be nice to the nice.

  2. Laurelle says:

    I agree about your cookbooks being really accessible- you don’t need to be rich or have tons of extra time on your hands to follow your recipes, which is nice because I am a poor, lazy college student. I use your cookbooks the most out of my 20-some cookbooks (I have a book buying problem).
    So yes: thank you!

  3. Rudy says:


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