New pad

Man I’ve been busy!! WHY you wonder?
Cause we got a new apartment for my birthday!!!! Not owning. I wish… Just renting for now. It’s twice the size of where we’re living now. Yahoooo!!

I’m knee deep in boxes. Gotta go pack some more… man I have a lot of crap.

Don’t forget The Jane Show is on tomorrow. This episode Jane’s dad comes to visit her and she makes him a vegetarian dinner consisting of ginger tofu scramble and sweet potato fries.

I wish my Dad would eat tofu…

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0 Responses to New pad

  1. Urban Vegan says:

    Congratulations! And oh my gosh! Your apartment looks alot like mine. We have the exact same chef’s table, plus the exposed pipes, beams, etc. Look at my blog.

    Hope your time in you new digs is happy and healthy.

  2. KleoPatra says:

    Oh the fun of decorating. Never mind the drudgery of unpacking… Have at it, Sarah! Enjoy!!

  3. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    A new home. How exciting! Have fun unpacking. I don’t envy you there. We moved in November and I’ve still got about half a dozen boxes that I just can’t bring myself to open. Enough already! Where did all this STUFF come from? How is Fergus settling in? Simon was weirded out for a few days and kept peeing on the floor. I’m glad that didn’t last. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  4. Michelle says:

    Congrats. That’s awesome! Isn’t it the loft you wanted?

  5. Sarah's Blog says:

    Similar but different Michelle. 🙂

  6. t. says:

    Cannot wait to see how you will furnish it! Post pictures please! Interior design is one of my passions…

    For the rest, good luck with the umpacking! I have still stuff stored in two continents n three cities and I doubt it will ever move from there…

  7. Mizz Monster says:

    wow — it totally reminds me of my old loft! love the “floating” closet *hahaha*

  8. Candace says:

    What a great apartment! Sorry I missed your birthday – hope it was spectacular!

    Candace (:

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