My shoes are made for walking….

Thank goodness I brought comfortable shoes. I walked all up and down Valencia today window shopping and buying presents for Gerry.

I couldn’t find a place with a cord for my camera… booo hisss… so I can’t post photos of my incredible meal from last night. But I did find a store today that sells everything you need to be a pirate. That’s right. I said pirate. ARrrrrgh.

Found some really great stores with some really great EXPENSIVE stuff. I didn’t buy myself anything. 🙁 But Gerry… I got him a ton of goodies. He’s going to be so stoked when I get home.

I went to my fav Burrito place and had Soy-rizzo. I’m stuffed and am now going to have a little nap before I start getting ready for the book signing tonight.

If anyone local is reading this … can you bring a chord for my camera so I can download my photos? I’ll buy it from ya! 🙂

Later skaters. Time for naps.

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0 Responses to My shoes are made for walking….

  1. herbivore says:

    “our” favorite burrito place, you mean.

  2. Charlotte says:

    I’m glad you’re having fun! I miss your looooverly face at the shop!

  3. Sarah's Blog says:

    No Herbivore…
    Yerba buena!

  4. herbivore says:

    want the front seat?

  5. Sarah's Blog says:

    NEVER!! Front seats are for suckers!!

  6. Kramers says:

    Wow! It is so great to here all of the stuff you are up to Sarah! The kids loved your package and so did Ben! Thanks so so much. It made our month. Your cookbook is awesome and Heidi and Eli and I plan to devour some yummy recipe this week! XXOO SAR and FAM.

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