my hair…

So my hair wasn’t long enough to send to Locks of Love this time… but I did bring my hair home in a bag for Gerry. *laugh*

So yesterday before my haircut I went down to the shop to pick up garbage to take to the dump, and as I left I said to Gerry “Take a long look at me, I’m leaving now.” When I came back 2 hours later and walked in with my new hairdo, you should have seen his face when I walked in. *laugh* I love surprising him!!

I brought my hair home so I could weigh it (3/4 of a pound – yikes) and then decided to leave it outside for the birds. Last night as we walked the dog, I left little piles of my hair in trees and bushes so they can use it for their nests. Is that weird? They’ll use it right? It’s bio friendly… 🙂

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0 Responses to my hair…

  1. vegan-e says:

    Love your hair. Wished for years I could pull that off. I don’t have the bone structure (or the nose) for it! LOL

    You look GREAT!! Would have loved to seen a picture of Gerry’s surprised face. Bet he loves it short too.


  2. angela says:

    You look fabuloso – we always leave my husband’s hair – which I clip with one of those razor thingys from Superstore – outside for the birds – & mice use it too, I think.

  3. Judy says:

    When I was little, my parents would tell me to clean my hair brush outside so that the birds could use my hair in their nests. Parents never lie. 🙂

  4. KleoPatra says:

    That’s recycling at some of its best there, Sarah. And you’re lookin’ GOOD!! As my mom’d say, “I like how you got your ears lowered.”

  5. mamafabun says:

    After a haircut we always leave my little boys’ hair outside, too. I tell him the same thing because it’s what my mom told me.

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