My arms are so tired from scraping, painting and all the general scooping, stooping and lifting. Wowzers. I better have some serious muscle definition when we’re done all these renos or I’ll be pissed. 🙂
Our new flooring arrived yesterday… I can’t wait to get it down. It’s going to look FABU!
Doesn’t look like much happened in here… but it really has. Lots of filling, painting and then painting the doors. *note to self* Painting doors sucks…And then in the office say good-bye to dusty rose and hello to 06795. The color we had made has no fancy name. I like to call it a warm creamy white.
When you do renos do you ever look at what you’re doing and think… there is no way we are ever going to be finished. I think renovation fatigue is starting to set in…Off to finish the painting but today I’m working solo… Gerry’s at work and Fergus is such a lazy sod he just sits on his doggie pillow and watches me paint. What a diva.
I think it is so cool that you and Gerry are doing all this renovation on your own. It’s going to look awesome and you can take all the credit. Congrats on the new home.
I’m glad Fergus is feeling better.
It’s going to look awesome when you’re done, and it will all be worth it! I’m just a little jealous, wish I had my own home to reno, but….., maybe in a few months(crossing finger’s), I’ll be able to ask you for some advice on what to do and how to go about it? 🙂
Exciting stuff.
Thanks for all the pics… I’m lovin it!