This is Mad Cat…He lives on this fence near my house.
Every night when we walk the dog we visit Mad Cat and rain or shine he’s always in the same spot.
I’ll try and get a good photo of Mad Cat’s house … When I first moved here in 1988 it was a house I would walk by every day on my way to work. It has an overgrown yard and the front lawn is covered in junk. In the 20+ years that I’ve lived here I’ve watched it slowly disintegrate into it’s self. The fence is now falling into the house … and the house. My god. The house looks like nobody lives there – but Gerry and I saw someone walking into the house the other day so we know it’s inhabited. By the state of the house I can only imagine what it looks like inside … anyway … back to Mad Cat.
I don’t know if he lives at the crazy house … but he hangs out there every day. He let’s me pet him but he doesn’t purr or meow and seems indifferent to affection.
I am determined to get a purr out of him … and last night I got a big sexy stretch (although in the photo he looks like he’s mad) *laugh*.
Normally I don’t feed other peoples cats but I want Mad Cat to looooove me so I brought him a few treats … is that cheating? 🙂
I would be the same as you with Mad Cat and want to make nice. He/she is beautiful.