
When I was diagnosed with my breast cancer I thought “They’ll cut it out. I’ll do chemo/radiation and I’ll be done with it.” What I didn’t consider was the toll all the cancer treatment would have on my body so when I was diagnosed with Lymphedema it was pretty shocking.

I am very lucky. The Lymphedema in my right arm is small and manageable. I am going to see a massage therapist for MLD massage. I’ve also started seeing a physiotherapist to help me get strength back in my arm and right shoulder. I also wear a compression sleeve.

The government issue sleeve I have to wear every day is pretty uncomfortable. I had to special order a black one (this punk rock girl does not wear beige) and it’s not super comfortable. It pinches the crook of my arm. It’s made of a catchy material and so when you wear clothing over top it makes your clothes bunch up. It’s like hardcore spanx for your arm. Have you ever had a hotflash in spanx? Not cute. 🙁10261229_702892746419576_1454833687_n

In utter frustration I hit The Google looking for an alternative and found the LympheDIVA’s website.

I couldn’t believe what I saw – so many beautiful sleeves to choose from. I love it when function and fashion come together! 🙂

I immediately purchased a leopard sleeve and they’re wonderful. Soft. A little silky so they slip easily underneath clothing.

It’s incredibly empowering to have choices and that’s what LympheDIVA’s is offering. Beautiful, bold fashion-forward choices.

I have had people stop me on the street to ask me about my sleeve. So many people think it’s part of my outfit. I used to be a shoe-addict but I think I’ve become a sleeve addict. I can’t wait to get more!! 🙂

Y055UQrSNngxl8Hv3TyGQBzZ-irPgs6FVdPgR75D2YeCVST0VNudVT7yUCvgZRhEiO6TPUN2lbgj64HxLXgBENES9MrCAc6cLZLWEMQKs2I2FGCCP96M51uI0RQns5kjB32y3Tlj4g30Jgywfz4yGBDLCmIbyvBSt_F32A=s0-d-e1-ftIf you’re thinking about getting a sleeve  LympheDIVA’s has a special sleeve on sale right now to benefit of the National Women’s Survivors Convention. $10 from each sleeve and $5 from each gauntlet will be donated back to this wonderful organization. Learn more about NWSC here.

The two-sided Music City design features a microphone on one side and a guitar and the NWSC logo on the other. Super cool!

AHHHH! I am so happy to have found them.  🙂 Thank you LympheDIVA’s!


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6 Responses to LympheDIVAs!

  1. Love ’em! I work at a library and wear my sleeve. Just about every shift someone asks me about it – whether it’s a tattoo, or if it’s the newest fashion trend 🙂 It should be, in my opinion.

    Yes, they make the sleeve feel like an accessory rather than a bad reminder. That’s worth quite a bit, IMO. ~Catherine

  2. ~Sz says:

    Thanks to you, I found LympheDivas and ordered the beautiful koi sleeve. Love it so hard!

  3. Claire Weiss says:

    Wow, that is so cool! I’m like you – lymphedema was the last thing I expected and I was so upset when it happened to me. I’ve been wearing the ugly sleeve for 8 years or so and just go with it, but I’m going to check out that site! I’m a 4th grade teacher and every year I have to explain the sleeve. Maybe a fashionable one will be cooler! (In more ways than one?)

    • Sarah says:

      Yes!! Get yourself a few fancy sleeves!! They really help me feel less self conscious and more fashionable! 😍😍

  4. Katherine says:

    Those sleeves are so cool! Sending you good wishes for your healing!

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