First. I want to say how thankful I am that Gerry has lent me his PC laptop.
Second. Using a PC after you are used to a MAC is painful. I feel like I’m driving a tractor. My MAC is a freaking Lamborghini compared to this thing. It takes me 20 minutes to do something I could do in 2 minutes. Ugh.
Third. I was so excited about my Spork that I purchased for this trip. Such a great travel tool and I forgot it. I was sure I had packed it …but can’t find it anywhere. 🙁
I said my sad good-bye’s to my best pal Fergus this morning. He is a little jealous that Perogy Cat is coming on the trip with me but maybe next time Fergus can come.
So Perogy Cat and I sat in the terminal and watched the rain fall down on the hum-drum tarmac in Victoria but we were excited because our flight was on time and we knew sunny California was waiting for us.
Wait for it…
They loaded us up on the plane … and then just before they were to close the doors … they made an announcement. Your flight has been delayed. I hate Air Canada. They never have flights that run on time.
We got off the plane and sat around in Victoria terminal for 2+ hours waiting to re-board. Board is right. I was bored out of my mind with no wi–fi. Thank goodness I nixed the Sky Mall magazine from the plane so I had plenty to look at. Some of the things they have in there are insane. Who invents things like that?
We arrived in San Fran way way late. I had been so excited that I was going to have the afternoon to putz around … but instead I got here late, tired and cranky. I humped my bags up 2 flights of stairs (what? no elevator? No bell boy? Dear lord help me!) and settled in.I left Perogy Cat in the room to figure out why I coudln’t connect to the internet. Sweating, exhausted and even crankier – I wandered down the street to the local Whole Foods and loaded up on water, fruit and a Mediterranean meal that was actually pretty good for dinner. Dolmades, hummus, pita and a minty couscous salad. I’m so tired I can’t even remember what that salad is called. Tabouhli? Yes. Tabouhli.
Now Perogy Cat and I are in bed and looking forward to the big party tomorrow!!
My hotel is pretty groovy and in a groovy part of town, but it’s so loud. My window is over the courtyard and I can hear everything echoed back to me. Especially the homeless man who is yelling about how sorry his is about something. I wish someone would just yell “I forgive you.”
I’d do it …but I’m Canadian and we’re terribly polite.
I always swear I am going to order from skymall, but then I realize nobody (and I mean nobody) needs a thumb print recognition water distiller.