
So before I left for Toronto I had my friend Eckel tattoo me! I wanted a magnifying glass with the words FOCUS underneath it to remind me to focus on the things I want in life and not be so distracted by outside bull-crap. This is what he came up with and I think it’s beautiful!!

My favourite part is how the crow pokes out from the top of my knee socks. 🙂

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0 Responses to Leg

  1. Deborah says:

    this is gorgeous! 🙂

  2. Jean says:

    What an amazing image!

  3. Nats says:

    GAH!!! I LOVE IT!!!

  4. sar says:

    I like it.
    I like it a lot.

  5. mishka says:

    hawt 🙂

  6. leigh says:

    that’s so cool! i love it!

  7. Saucy Minx says:

    Sarah~ I loooove it! Woot!

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