Last day…. :(

Didn’t get to Millennium last night… we couldn’t get a reservation until 9:30 and who the heck can wait till then for dinner. So sorry Millennium… maybe next time. Jeremy and Yvonne took me to another fantastic burrito place (can’t remember the name) where we bought 3 different Vegan burritos and split them up so we could try them all. We had a grilled tofu (pretty good), a grilled veggie (very good) and a Tofu Mole (excellent). I was stuffed and happy.

The next day we woke up to find Tommy naked….

In The New York Times…This photo gives new meaning to the word “wood”. Hello Tommy…

I rushed off to the World Vegetarian Day Celebration to find Yvonne already hard at work at the OTSU booth.

I got to see all sorts of sights…
And meet all sorts of nice people.
And visit with old friends…
And say a final farewell to Yvonne…
And say a quick hello to my new friends at Veg News before I headed out to catch my flight home.

Nancy … my driver… took me to the beach on the way to the airport and we stopped and took a breath. It was nice to just chill-ax and breathe in some fresh sea air.

As my plane lifted off and headed towards home…. I was treated to the most incredible sunset I’ve ever seen. This photo doesn’t do it justice.

I had a wonderful time. Thank you to my hosts in P-town and San Fran and thanks to all of you who came out to see me at my events. Your smiles, support and love does not go un-noticed. So thanks again for coming out.

I now have 4 days to prepare for Vancouver. Yikes. I have a lot of laundry to do.

Friday, September 30th
West Van CAPERS – Cooking demo/talk/book signing 7pm 2496 Marine Drive604-925-9489 to register

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0 Responses to Last day…. :(

  1. the Kramers says:

    That sunset was magnificent! It would have made me teary! I’ll bet you are ready to get home to your hubby! Thanks for all of the great snipits of your travels. It like being right there with ya!
    Love, SAR and the CREW

  2. wiebke says:

    hi sarah,
    thanks for your blog! and the pics of josh and ruby bird and george! 🙂 i miss portland…
    oh my…maggie mudd…best vegan ice cream ever, brownie ice cream. yummmmmm…
    i love your books, and thanks so much for sending la dolce vegan all the way to germany. i’ve been making a bunch of dishes from it already. will post a link to pictures in the chatroom. oh, and i made the spicy soup muffins today. i think from HIAV. so good!
    please say hello to victoria, gerry and danica, hope i’ll make it back there soon. wiebke

  3. Monster Zine says:

    Dang! I can’t believed I missed meeting you in San Francisco! My fiance just had foot surgery, so we’re not so mobile right now. I know exactly the place you mean in the Mission that has tofu mole, it’s so great! Will order your book soon.

    love and lentils,
    Jenni Morrison-Smith

    p.s. If you ever want to create a spooky recipe (or even alter a recipe you have to be spooky) let me know! I’d love to interview you and include it in my new magazine, Big Ole Face Full of Monster. For example, I’m inventing a green vegan smoothie for the first issue, and calling it Tannis Root Smoothie (a la Rosemary’s Baby.)

  4. Anonymous says:

    The burrito place you went to is called Papalote. It’s great and seeing it makes me miss San Francisco (I just moved away 6 months ago, sigh)

    Papalote Mexican Grill
    (415) 970-8815
    3409 24th St
    San Francisco, CA 94110

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