Kathy Griffin

I forgot to tell you about our trip to Vancouver!! Gerry and I went with our friends Stu & Sly on a 1 night get-a-way to Vancouver (Richmond actually) to see Kathy Griffin in concert. Stu was able to get us some killer seats and had also arranged for us to have a Meet N Greet with Kathy (it’s so great to have friends with connections).

So we bundled up the dog and dropped him off to spend the night with his girlfriend Suzy and Auntie Wendy.
Richmond is close to Vancouver so we popped into Van and hit up Saravanaa Bhavan for a nice meal before the show. YUMMERS!
Then we check into our hotel room with had 2 bedrooms instead of 2 beds. Awesome!!
We wandered around the casino a bit. Nice pool.
Unfortunately our Meet N Greet with Kathy was canceled. She was doing 2 shows that night so I guess she needed to rest her voice. I was bummed out … but I totally understood. We now had a lot of time to kill before the 10pm show so we went to play slots. I decided to only play $20. I watched as my credit went up and down … but mostly down. I was at one slot machine for a while and was down to about $4 when Gerry suggested I move to a different machine. I was like “but it’s all warmed up“. He ASSURED me that I would have better luck on a different machine so I moved one machine over and started playing that.

Right away an old woman sat down at the machine I was just on and 4 pulls later she won $190! I looked at Gerry with daggers in my eyes … and he assured me it was random. I wouldn’t not have won that $$ in 4 pulls. It was just random.

Random huh? Grrrrrr.

With no more $$ to burn but still lots of time to kill – we ended up back at the hotel room and started watching Sgt. Pepper’s Lonley Hearts Club Band staring The Bee Gees. Have you seen that movie? It is all kinds of terrible and by terrible I mean awesome!!

It was finally time for the show and the theater was packed …
Kathy was awesome. 2 hours of laughing, laughing and more laughing. She put on a stellar show. In the morning I left a copy of my book for her at the front desk (I had brought it for the meet n greet) and they assured me she would get it. 🙂

Then we couldn’t find anywhere to eat for breakfast. I thought for sure they’d have a cafe that served oatmeal and toast but The Casino had 3 restaurant and none of them had anything we could eat so we found a Denny’s up the street and had the best breakfast ever. Oatmeal w/ Cinn Apples, english muffin and home fries. Yum.
Fergus had fun with Suzy but I think he missed us …
The day after we got home – I got to work making a vegetable dress for a photo shoot for Boulevard Magazine.

The dress turned out great and looked even better on – once I added a bunch of accessories. I made THE CUTEST cabbage hat to wear. I can’t wait to show you the photos. The article doesn’t come out till March … I can’t wait!! 🙂

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0 Responses to Kathy Griffin

  1. Ashley says:

    I often wear cabbage hats at work, perfect shape for the old noggin 🙂

  2. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Oh the BeeGees movie. That is so old. Peter Frampton still had his hair.
    Love the dress! And I love Kathy Griffin. Too bad you didn't get to meet her. You'll have to let us know if you ever hear if she got your book. Maybe she'll mention you & show the book on her show. (Is that still on or am I watching reruns?)

  3. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Oh, and I love the Blues Brothers clip below. That is one of my favorite movies, so much so that I had a dog named Elwood. And I got to meet Dan Aykroyd a few years ago. He was SUPER!

  4. Maria Rose says:

    What a great little adventure. Very sly to leave her a copy of your book. I can’t wait to see the cabbage dress!

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