One more quick reminder about the Karmavore fundraiser on Jan 23rd at 6pm
You can purchase tickets HERE.
For the price of your ticket you will receive a copy of my 2011 GoVegan Calendar plus Janice from Hearts on Noses Pig Rescue will be there.
There will be loads of free vegan hors d’oeuvres, baked goodies (from Karmavore’s new deli). There’s a silent auction with some fantastic prizes (including a gift certificate from Tattoo Zoo and on and on.
It’s going to be a really fun event and the $$ raised will to to Hearts on Noses Pig Rescue and The BC Poodle and Small Dog Rescue (they are the ones helping me re-home Dexter).
Please “share†this post with your friends. We need to get the word out about the party and raise some $$ for the animals!! Don’t let me down Vancouver!!
Hi Sarah! I have been following your rehabilitation of Dexter the super-dachsund and I was especially interested to hear that you were planning to transition him to a BARF diet. I have a small dog and I would really like to try raw feeding with her after reading about how well Fergus is doing, but I have no idea how to begin. Your guys seem to be doing great on that diet, so could you point me toward some resources that maybe helped you get started? Or tell me where in Victoria you buy raw food? I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but any direction you can provide would be so helpful.